MINI FLOWER PACK (pages 1-22): 3 Part Cards, Beginning Sounds, Matching Cards, and Read Write the Room
Flower Counting (pages 23-28)
Flower Coloring (pages 29-32)
Tracing cards (pages 36-39) for children who need to practice writing skills and pencil grip. Children can use these cards to either trace the images, or use a push pin to cut out the shapes on the cards.
Vegetable Matching Game (pages 40-42)
Build your own Flower (pages 43-47)
Other Gardening Worksheets (pages 48-49)
Flower Counting Activity (pages 50-54)
Monday, April 6
Main Lesson: Parts of a flower
Files for the Nomenclature of a Flower:
Vocabulary Words:
Roots: The roots grow in the ground and pull in the water and nutrients to the flower.
They also make the flower stable.
Stem: the stem carries the water and the food (nutrients and minerals) to the rest of the flower. It travels up through the stem and to the other parts of the flower.
Leaf: The leaves are attached to the stem and help catch sunlight and air for the flower. The leaves have little folds that let out the water that the plant is using. This makes
room for more water to come rushing up through the stem.
Flower: The flowers are the part that are responsible for making food.
Petals: The petals attract insects towards the plant to pollinate them
Stamen: the pollen producing part of a flower
Pistil: part of the flower that collects the pollen that pollinators bring from other flowers.
Art Project Idea:
Book: The Reason for the Flower by Ruth Heller
Flower Art Project with Miss Daniela
Tuesday, April 7
Main Lesson: Lifecycle of a flower
What do plants need to grow?
Air, water, soil and sunlight
Art Project Idea:
Book: From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
Song: 5 little flowers
Wednesday, April 8
Main Lesson: From seed to plant
Planting Seeds
Printed out” My sprout house” (available on page 35 of PRINTABLE WORKSHEETS FOR THIS UNIT)
Paper towel
Zip bags (lunch size)
Beans (2-3)
Cut out the house and “window”
Dampen a paper towel with water and fold so that it fits inside a plastic bag
Place bean inside bag on the moist paper towel
Close the bag and staple the “house” on top so that you can see the seeds through the “window”
The sunlight and wet paper towel will create condensation and continue to provide water for the seeds. If you notice the paper towel drying out, open the bag and spray the towel a few times.
Tape the sprout house to a window that gets enough sunlight and watch as the seeds begin to sprout and grow!
Book: The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Thursday, April 9
Main Lesson: How to grow vegetables from kitchen scraps
Plant Investigation Activity Book:
Food plants you can regrow with water:
Green onion
1) Garlic sprout: to make it grow, find a garlic clove with a green sprout and keep it in a glass. Fill the water up to the level of clove. In 2-3 days, the sprout will start to grow and the clove will produce roots.
When the sprouts are 3 inches in height, you can cut it for use leaving 1/3 of the shoot. It can be used in salads baked potatoes, or to spice up any preparation, because it has an aroma and garlic-like flavor.
2) Lettuce: To regrow, cut the leaves at about 1 inch from the bottom. Place remaining stem in a shallow dish of water (about 1/2 inch). Now place that on a windowsill or under grow lights. Change water in a bowl every 1 to 2 days and watch your lettuce grow. It is truly remarkable how quickly the new shoots start. You’ll also notice that roots will start to grow on the bottom. After 10 -12 days, your lettuce is going to be as big as it will likely ever get. No, it’s not going to be a full head of lettuce, it’ll be just enough to top a sandwich or make a small salad. But how cool is that! If you leave your lettuce beyond this point, it will become spindly and bitter as it attempts to produce seed. It won’t be pleasant to eat at this point. You’ll know it has reached this point when the leaves start turning a blue green color and/or the main stalk shoots up and leaves
become less dense
3) Green Onion: Green onions are the easiest food scrap to regrow. Just take the leftover green onion roots, drop them in a glass with enough water to cover them, and move the onions around so the roots are pointing down. Make sure you change the water out once every couple of days so they don't get greasy. Within about a week you'll have a brand-new set of green onions. If you tend to top your food with green onions a lot, this is a pretty simple way to ensure you always have some around.
Art Project Idea:
Friday, April 10
Main Lesson: Different types of flowers
Did you know there are over 400,000 plant species across the world? Flowers make up a large part of the food chain, both directly or indirectly. They are the direct food or source of food for many insects, birds, mammals and other animals. As such, they are also important in feeding larger predators because carnivores must eat the creatures that eat the plants. Humans eat a few flowers regularly, but mostly consume different parts of plants. Some edible flowers include hibiscus, roses, and broccoli.
Aster: Named after the Latin word for "star". Asters will brighten up any garden. It attracts butterflies and comes in a variety of colors including blue, indigo, violet, white, red and pink. Unlike other colorful flowers, Asters will typically stay in bloom into cooler fall months.
Carnation: The bright cluster of petals make the Carnation a playful choice for any garden or bouquet. Depending on the color you pick, a Carnation can be used as a symbol of friendship, love or fascination. Daisy: The iconic, playful daisy is most recognized for its bright yellow center and white petals. Daisies are easy to grow and not fussy when it comes to soil types, although it does thrive in full sun. Lily: With more than 100 species, the Lily is known for its large, prominent flowers and long filaments. These fragrant flowers come in a range of colors including white, yellow, orange, pink, red and purple and some include markings such as spots or brush strokes. These beauties shine indoors, just be sure to cut their filaments to avoid pollen stains! Rose: With more than 100 species, the Rose is most commonly categorized for its trailing stems with sharp prickles. Roses vary in size and shape, but are vibrant in colors ranging from red, yellow, orange, blue, white and pink.
Sunflower: Known for their tall stalks and bright yellow petals, the Sunflower is an all-time classic wildflower. They most commonly come in yellow, but Sunflowers can also be found in rich orange and red hues.
Gardening is a great way to expose children to different flowers and teach them the responsibility of caring for flowers!