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Dinosaur Week

Writer's picture: LJVMSLJVMS

Updated: May 27, 2020


  • Dino-Mite Crown and Mask (pages 1-2)

  • Connect-the-dots (pages 3-8)

  • I SPY (page 9)

  • Dino puzzle (pages 10-11)

  • Tracing worksheets (pages 12-13)

  • Dino puzzle (page 14)

  • Cutting Practice (page15)

  • Coloring page (page 16)

  • Counting (pages 17-27)

  • My Dinosaur Book (pages 28-45)

  • Counting Dino Puzzles (pages 46-48)

  • Counting Dino Puzzles (pages 49-52)

  • Math Worksheets (pages 53-55)

  • Count and Trace (page 56)

  • Coloring page (page 57)

Monday, May 25


-No School-

All this week we are going to be talking about dinosaurs, what they are, what they ate and what happened to them?

When most people think of dinosaurs, they think if the classic raging tyrannosaurus rex or the long necked brontosaurus, wandering through the Jurassic-era world. But did you ever stop to think about what dinosaurs are, in a scientific sense?

A dinosaur is a vertebrate reptile that lived during the Triassic- Jurassic, and Cretaceous time periods (between approximately 230 to 65 million years ago)

They could be find all over the prehistoric world, taking advantage of the warmer climate that was a direct result of most of the world´s land masses being located closer to the equator.

All dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous time period. Recent fossils evidence suggest that some dinosaurs the may have evolve over time into the ancestors of modern day birds.

So depending on how you want to interpret the science, the ancestors of dinosaurs may technically still be among us!

Youtube Songs: The Prehistoric Animal Brigade | Dinosaur Song | Toddler Fun Learning

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Tuesday, May 26

Main Lesson: Herbivore Dinosaurs

Herbivore Dinosaurs are the ones that only feed on plants. They are often prey for carnivores and omnivores. To counter this, they adapted ways for either defending themselves or escaping from the predator.

Herbivores ate whatever vegetation they could find. Most herbivores were more suited to one particular type of vegetation, but some where not that fussy.

Well known Herbivores:

· Diplodocus

· Stegosaurus

· Ankylosaurs

· Brachiosaurus

· Parasaurolophus

· Birkhamisaurus

Youtube: Dinosaur song | Herbivore | Nursery Rhymes | Line Friends Kids Song

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Wednesday, May 27

Main Lesson: Carnivore Dinosaurs

Carnivore is an animal that eats meat. Some dinosaurs were carnivores, while others were herbivores (consuming only plant material).

The carnivorous dinosaurs were capable of eating the plant-eating dinosaurs, which meant that they were higher up on the food chain.

Like most organisms near the top of their food chain, the carnivores required large amounts of energy to sustain their bodily processes. This meant that many other dinosaurs (and other animals too) had to be killed and eaten by the carnivorous dinosaurs.

Those fierce and menacing tyrannosaurs probably weren't being intentionally mean to the other dinosaurs, they were simply hungry!

Well known Carnivores:

· Spinosaurus aegyptiacus

· Velociraptor mongoliensis

· Tyrannosaurus rex

· Mapusaurus roseae

· Ankylosaurus magniventris

· Allosaurus

Youtube: 5 Carnivorous Dinosaurs | Meat Eating Dinos | Dinosaur Songs and Cartoons for Howdytoons

Art Project Ideas:

Book Ideas: Dinosaurs!

Thursday, May 28

Main Lesson: The Dinosaurs' Extinction

Abundant fossil bones, teeth, trackways, and other hard evidence have revealed that Earth was the domain of the dinosaurs for at least 230 million years. But so far, not a single trace of dinosaur remains has been found in rocks younger than about 66 million years.

One of the most well-known theories for the death of the dinosaurs is the Alvarez hypothesis, named after the father-and-son duo. In 1980, these two scientists proposed the notion that a meteor the size of a mountain slammed into Earth 66 million years ago, filling the atmosphere with gas, dust, and debris that drastically altered the climate.

However, other scientists maintain that the evidence for a massive meteor impact event is inconclusive, and that the more likely culprit may be Earth itself.

Ancient lava flows in India known as the Deccan Traps also seem to match nicely in time with the end of the Cretaceous, with massive outpourings of lava spewing forth between 60 and 65 million years ago. Today, the resulting volcanic rock covers nearly 200,000 square miles in layers that are in places more than 6,000 feet thick. Such a vast eruptive event would have choked the skies with carbon dioxide and other gases that would have dramatically changed Earth’s climate.

This debate may rage for years, as scientists dig up new clues and develop new techniques for understanding the past. But whether space invaders or loads of lava are to blame, it’s clear that scientists studying the dinosaurs’ last gasp are revealing vital lessons about the effects of dramatic climate change on Earth’s inhabitants.

Youtube: Why Did The Dinosaurs Die? | Dinosaurs for Kids

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Friday, May 29

Main Lesson: Fossils

Imagine visiting a dig site with a group of paleontologists. Paleontologists are people who study fossils. While digging through rocks and dirt, you find something hidden in the ground that looks like a dinosaur fossil. What type of fossil is it and where did it come from?

Fossils are the ancient remains of plants and animals. They can include bones, shells, teeth, or impressions, such as footprints. Scientists excavate, or dig up fossils, from sedimentary rock layers in the ground.

So, what is sedimentary rock? Sedimentary rock is a type of rock formed from sediment, which includes things like sand, mud, and tiny pieces of rocks. Over time, these pieces are squeezed together as they become buried underneath more sediment that piles up on top.

Let's take a look at the main types of dinosaur fossils that are found in sedimentary rock.

Body Fossils

Body fossils are the most common type of fossils found throughout the world. They include the hard parts of dinosaurs, such as teeth, shells, and bones.

Molds and Casts

Molds and casts are types of body fossils. Molds are formed when hard parts of dinosaurs are buried in sediment. Eventually, these hard parts dissolve or wear away, leaving behind a hollow area in the sediment that resembles the dinosaur's shape.

Casts start out as molds but then are eventually filled in with minerals and sediment that harden. This creates a three-dimensional version of the dinosaur.

Molds and casts can help paleontologists in learning about what these ancient dinosaurs looked like.

Trace Fossils

Trace fossils show the behavior and activities of dinosaurs. The most common type of trace fossil is a footprint. Millions of years ago, massive dinosaurs would make footprints when stepping in sand and mud. If you've gone for a walk through the mud on a rainy day or through layers of snow in the winter, you know that the footprints you leave behind eventually wash away and disappear. Although this is true for most dinosaurs, some footprints were preserved when they were hardened and buried by sediment.

Trace fossils can provide scientists with a lot of information about dinosaurs, including their size, where they lived, and if they traveled in groups.

Youtube: Dig It Up | Dinosaur Songs | + Compilation | PINKFONG Songs for Children

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