Our school has had many pets! To name a few, we've had a dog, a rabbit, a snake, hermit crabs, and guinea pigs! Currently we share our school with fire bellied toads, beta fish, and most recently we've welcomed three baby chicks. I know a lot of our children are missing their classroom pals during this closure and so please see below for some updates.
Having pets to care for helps teach responsibility, compassion, empathy, and an understanding and respect for other living things. Pets teach children to value life other than their own, in addition to teaching them about the natural growth and life cycles of many different species which they can observe on a daily basis! Another benefit is the stress reduction that occurs as a result of observing and petting the animals, from which both the children and the animals can benefit.
Our Chicks
Parts of a chicken of the Chicken: 3-part cards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BO9M23EmVEXRqfjmIQu0oTttyaJcHtEz/view?usp=sharing
External Anatomy of a Chicken: https://poultry.extension.org/articles/poultry-anatomy/external-anatomy-of-chickens/
We had three eggs that hatched on Monday, March 23rd at Miss Joanne's house.
We have one French Black Copper Maran and two Barred Rock Chicks.
Pictured below from left to Right: Sunflower, Cumulus, and Rainbow. Look! They're already growing feathers! Photo taken on 4/3/2020
The chicks are friendly and super playful.
Their feathers are coming in! Photos below taken 4.9.2020
Our Toads
Our toads are also living at Miss Joanne's house and are doing well!
Video below: Greena looking over at Anna and Elsa's tank. Looks like she wants to join them! Videos taken Wednesday, March 25th.
5 minutes later....Video below: Greena joins Anna and Elsa! Can you count three fire-bellied toads?
Our Fish
Pictured below is Fishy! He's living at Miss Caroline's house and loving it!