"To make himself heard, man no longer depended on the volume of his voice. With the alphabet he could be heard from one continent to another, from yesterday to tomorrow. He could reach people distant in space and in time. Without uttering a sound-in silence-his thoughts could be heard all over the world at the same time."
- Mario Montessori quoting his mother, Maria Montessori
How to print and cut letters: http://www.royalbaloo.com/download/montessoriabcsandpapercards.pdf You could use dried grains or sand for letters.
Youtube video on DIY Sandpaper Letters: https://youtu.be/DH4YZKbu-S8
The first language work for teaching sounds is the Sandpaper letters. You will introduce only the sound of the letter and not the name of the letter 1. Start with the first set of sounds: c, s, m
2. To present this work, you first trace the shape of each letter while making the sound. You can do this in the form of a three-period lesson. In the first period, you trace the letter and make the sound. In the second period, you say, “Where is a? “and your child must point to the correct letter. In the third period, you point to one letter and say, “What is this?” and your child must say the correct sound. Extensions for this work: After you have finished with the lesson, you may ask your child to bring you objects that start with the sound that you work with or name together objects that begin with the sound that you have at home.
The order of presentation for the sandpaper letters that we follow is: 1st set: c, s, m 2nd set: t, r, a 3rd set: h, p, f 4th set: n, b, e 5th set: l, j, d 6th set: v, g, i 7th set: w, x, o 8th set: y, k 9th set: u, q, z
Phonetic Matching Cards Phonetic Matching Cards are designed to identify the initial sound on different pictures or words and to facilitate the process of learning to read. 1. Children will look at the picture on the card and determine which sound letter that word begins with. This requires them to identify which sound it begins with and which letter makes that sound. 2. For example, the child will look at a card and see a snake on it. They will say the word out loud and pay careful attention to the sound that is at the beginning of the word. They will notice that the first sound in the word snake is “ssss.” Then they will decide where to place that picture card. 3. They will place the picture below the 'S' sound card. Same as the video lesson.
Printable Phonetic Matching Cards Activity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15inuU475Md3C21yWbs0vwH2vds2nP7aZ/view?usp=sharing
*you will need to print the Phonetic Matching cards Pdfs. *Cut out each picture card (75 in total) *Cut out just one set of alphabet (red for consonants and blue for vowels)
*Children may move forward to the next set once they feel comfortable and they’re able to correctly do the previous sets.
1st set: c, s, m: Appropriate for all but particularly for Leonardo, Mason, Sonoma, Sebastian.
2nd set: t, r, a: Appropriate for all but particularly for Ami, Arvin, Blythe, Harper, Haven, Jacobo, Kasim, Lilia, Luna, Max, Nakoa, Quinn, Tobin.
3rd set: h, p, f: Appropriate for all but particularly for Ami, Arvin, Blythe, Harper, Haven, Jacobo, Lilia, Luna, Max, Nakoa, Quinn, Tobin.
4th set: n, b, e Appropriate for all but particularly for Ami, Arvin, Blythe, Harper, Haven, Jacobo, Lilia, Luna, Max, Quinn, Tobin.
5th set: l, j, d Appropriate for all but particularly for Arvin, Jacobo
*Children may move forward to the next set once they feel comfortable and they’re able to correctly do the previous sets.
6th set: v, g, i 7th set: w, x, o 8th set: y, k 9th set: u, q, z