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Farm Week

Writer's picture: LJVMSLJVMS

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Monday, March 16

Lesson: What is a Farm?

A farm is a piece of land used to grow crops and/or raise animals.

People who grow these plants or raise the animals are called farmers.

What is the role of a farmer?

A farmer’s main goal is to produce good crops and/or healthy animals in order to make a living and to feed the population. Farmers are responsible for all the crops and livestock that are needed for us to survive.

Art Project Ideas:

Tuesday, March 17

Lesson: Farm Animals and their Babies

Cut each puzzle along the line in the middle and invite your children to match each farm animal with its offspring. Why not extend learning by discussing similarities and differences between the older and the younger animals and the different types of animals?

Extend children’s vocabulary by describing animal body parts such as tail, hoofs, paws, fur, snout, etc. Ask questions such as ‘Which animal has the longest/shortest tail?

Art Project Idea:

Wednesday, March 18

Lesson: The Horse

Items to review:

Horse:The horse is a mammal with hoofs. Horses are used by man for work and fun. Horses are herbivorous.

Forehead:The forehead of the horse is the front of the head. The forehead Begins between the ears and ends between the nostrils.

Ears: The ears are located at the top of the head. A horse will lay the ears back if angry.

Neck: the neck allows the horse to move its head up and down or side to side.

Mane: The mane is the longer hair located on top of the neck. The mane can be different color from the rest of the body.

Body: The body of the horse is from the neck to the tail. To ride a horse, a person sits on the top of the body.

Forelegs: The forelegs are located at the front of the body. The legs help the horse move.

Hind legs: The hind legs are located at the back of the body. A horse can walk, trot, cantor, and gallop.

Hoofs: The hoofs are hard and horny. They are located at the bottom of the horse’s legs. Sometimes metal shoes are put on the hoofs.

Tail: The tail is the long hair at the back of the horse. The tail can swish back and forth to get rid of pesky insects.

Label the body parts of a horse, including:mane, Forehead, ears, neck, mane, body, forelegs, hind legs, hoofs and tail.

Thursday, March 19

Lesson: What do animals produce?

Farm animals are bred for many purposes. Chickens give us our eggs, Cows and Goats provide us with nutritious milk. Different breeds of sheep produce many kinds of wool fibers which are made into clothing. Pigs provide us with bacon and Ducks become a succulent duck roast. Horses are used as working animals, sports and leisure activities.

Friday, March 20

Lesson: A Farmers Hard day at Work

A farmer will raise crops to market for consumption, medical use, animal food production, and the growing herbal industry. A farmer in this field will be responsible for the planting, fertilization, and harvesting of the crops, as well as transport to the proper production elevators for sale at harvest

What are the duties of a farmer?

· Performing manual labor.

· Performing maintenance on the farm.

· Handling heavy machinery.

· Repairing faulty vehicles and machinery.

· Managing farming activities.

· Overseeing farmworkers.

· Devising strategies for harvesting or breeding.

· Liaising with clients.

Outdoor Activity Idea: Make it montessori by changing the name of the game "Gardening for Sounds"

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